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Biography | Joey Nobre

Rev. Joey Nobre is a Brazilian-born American Preacher, author and International Evangelist. He is Founder-President of Joey Nobre Word for the Nations Ministries, an evangelistic non-profit organization that promotes spiritual enrichment, social programs and humanitarian assistance nationwide and abroad.

He is a credentialed ordained minister with US General Council of the Assemblies of God and with Brazilian Madureira General Council. He is married to Karina Nobre and they live in Boston, USA


See History Timeline

Back in 2001, Baltimore was one gritty city when it came to
highest ethical standards and practices.


Church Construction in Saidbad, India

The church construction in the area brought great joy to the villagers brothers and sisters and a great impact to the region .


Church Construction in Bebepet, India

The church construction in the area brought great joy to the villagers brothers and sisters and a great impact to the region. Orphanage Assistance: Hundreds of children receive assistance from food to clothing , books and more . Poverty Alleviation: 27,5% of India population live under the line of extreme poverty . Pastors and Leaders Assistance: Local Indian pastors and leaders receive financial assistance for food and such .


Church Construction in Kenya, Africa

In the village of Voi , the church construction caused a revival among the believers and excitement among the residents Poverty Alleviation and Local Pastors Financial Assistance in Kenya The poor receive assistance with the local pastors | Os pobres e pastores locais recebem assistência financeira .


2021 Evangelistic Crusade in Pakistan

Orphanage in Pakistan: Dozens of children receive financial assistance for food and clothing in Pakistan


Evangelistic Crusade in Ramayapet , Índia


Evangelistic Crusade and Humanitarian Relief

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The news about recent activities for needed peoples.

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